Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Evangeline & her Pups

Evange-love from Shannon Bale on Vimeo.

From Evangeline's rescuer:

I found Eva on a damp and chilly Friday night. I had been playing poker in a local bar when I stepped outside for a quick break and some fresh air. Low and behold, There was this beautiful, sleek, jet black dog with the most gorgeous almost shaped eyes curled up on the steps by my feet. I bent down to pet her, and was instantly amazed by how well behaved and good natured she was. I swear to God you could have tugged on her tail and yanked her whiskers and she wouldn't have flinched. The dog knew Mandarin "sit", "come" and "don't do that" so it was pretty clear she'd been abandoned. The next day, I couldn't stop thinking about this lonely creature. I went back 24 hours later, just to see... and she was still there. She seemed so sad, and was suffering from a minor case of mange. Against my better judgement, I took her in. I think I knew it was a bad idea, even at the time. I'd already rescued 3 stray cats, and I'm not even a "dog person." But alas, the future for most strays in Taiwan is so dire, I couldn't help myself.

Some people know about Taiwan's stray animal problem... few realize just how bad it is. For a half crazy animal lover like me it can be kinda painful. And I live in what the local ex-pat crew fondly refer to as the "ghetto by the sea," so the problem is especially bad here.
(plz read:
In the 1990s, Taiwan cities and counties would drown or starve dogs, animal rights groups say. Now they are sent to shelters and put down after a week unless adopted.


To read more about Evangeline and her puppies, or to learn how to adopt them, visit:


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


What khuties

What a great mom

AND what great people trying to atone fur the sins of those that left her there to be saved -


Sugar said...

Oh my dawg, so darn CUTE! I want one. I can't have one, but I want one....;-)

Grace said...

Hello! We stumbled upon your blog today and were so shocked to see little Miko - it was like looking at our own dog on your website! We also adopted our Zoey through Animal Rescue Team in Taiwan and she looks so similar to Miko and is also extremely shy and fearful of new people and things! I wanted to share some photos but couldn't find an email address. If Miko's foster mom is interested, my email is grace @ shinepetphotos dot com. Thanks!