Monday, November 22, 2010

Pt Isabel Get-Together

We recently had a little Walkin' the Bark / Taiwan Dog get-together at Pt Isabel. I was surprised and delighted at how many people showed up! I got to see dogs that I haven't seen in years, some not since they were puppies.

People who foster and rescue have the same dream for each of their dogs--that they one day become a part of a family that will love and appreciate them for the rest of their lives. We give a bit of ourselves to each one of these dogs, and when they are adopted, they take that bit with them for always. To be able to see them in the context of their Forever Families, sharing and contributing to the happiness of their humans, is literally many dreams come true.


Anonymous said...

i really wish i met you and CL before i left. don't know what i was thinking. that looks fun.

that black shepherd-y looking dog is very handsome. and they all look so happy! :)