Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Let's Play, Phoebe!

All the foster dogs LOVE Phoebe. Even Boomie, who is a bit pickier about his doggie friends, loved Phoebe at first sight. While she is a very confident dog (except when it comes to cardboard boxes and loud noises), the dogs immediately sense in her a supreme good nature and "easy pickings." Popeye is no different.


Sugar said...

Popeye and Phoebe look great! Boy, though, Popeye can be really demanding. I love how he "swats" Phoebe, just like Sugar (and a cat...). It's wonderful to see how well trained he is, though! As soon as you "shh" him, Popeye quieted down. Excellent.

fosterdogblog said...

"Well trained" is probably not the term I would use necessarily, lol.

Wild Dingo said...

Phoebe is obviously alpha (being female too) and is "higher up" literally on the sofa/bed. She decides calmly whether she will play or not. Popeye, tho persistant, is not acting dominant (tho he is) and is respecting her position. (otherwise, he'd be much worse i think!)... Is it me or is Popeye moving way better w/o his back legs? he seems fast! said...
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