Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pt Isabel Revisited

Yesterday, at Pt Isabel. What a wonderful, thrilling, and gratifying sight to see Popeye being able to run as hard and as fast as his legs can take him.


Sugar said...

Speed demon dog!

Anonymous said...

What a great bumper sticker for Popeye! I loved seeing him run! so fun. so happy. looks like it all worked out (surgery and new wheels). does he still crane?

fosterdogblog said...

He does still crane a bit. It seems to come and go at the same level as his allergies so I'm wondering if they are related.

Wild Dingo said...

great observation. are you checking "food" allergies? i'm so sure you are. you're so on top of things. cut out wheat of course (lots of grain in dog food) ... but i think you feed raw anyway... right? don't be surprised if he's allergic to chicken or some sort of meat... it's possible. I know some dogs that are allergic. don't forget too that today's meat isn't so great even for "us" meat eating humans. i wonder how dogs deal with it. there are other raw options (rabbit, game, duck, venison) as you know i'm sure.

Wild Dingo said...

you gotta love raw advice from a dog owner who does NOT feed raw...yet. not on top of it enough... i read about it... but don't feel knowledgable enough to do it yet. so i feed Evo (which is pretty decent) and cooked meat and raw veggies. dogs LOVE salad. LOVE it. of course i'm careful to eliminate toxic stuff like avacodo, onions, grapes, etc. but i've never seen a dog like the husky LOVE lettuce and spinach and tomatoes so much. and carrots. they LOVE carrots and apples.

fosterdogblog said...

I'm leaning towards inhalent allergies or chicken. More towards inhalent but am saying chicken "just in case." That was the bulk of the dogs' diet but I've recently switched Popeye to turkey. Forgot today though and gave him chicken liver--grr, now I have to start all over.

I feed rabbit, venison, beef, green tripe and other things on occasion too but I have to be careful with Popeye because some things give him diarrhea or loose stool and that's messy to clean up. And most of the meat come from local farms (Niman Ranch, Petaluma Poultry, Diestel Turkey)--I'll eat anything myself but I'm anal when it comes to the dogs so I won't feed them most supermarket meats.

They rarely ever get grain. Only when I give them The Honest Kitchen dehydrated raw mix, which isn't often.

Have you tried broccoli? The dogs love that too. Only thing Popeye won't eat so far is strawberries. I didn't know avocado was toxic to dogs. Not that I ever give it to them--still, interesting to know.

Anonymous said...

so you know, broccoli is a goitenigenic ... meaning it's really bad for the thyroid. I know because I have thryoid problems. I don't eat soy or cruciferous veggies anymore due to effects on thryoid (tho fermented soy is ok, like soy sauce or temphe, but not tofu or soy milk). i wouldn't give broccoli to my dogs for the simple reason that it affects the thryoid.

Anonymous said...

you're so lucky to give them that kind of meat. i wish i had the bandwidth to figure it all out. Honest kitchen is supposed to be very good, i hear! oh and avocado is bad for a few reasons: 1. high fat causes pancreatitus and 2. theres something in avocado that's poisonous. even in the seed. persimin (sp). google it. not so good.

fosterdogblog said...

Just did a google search about brocolli for dogs. It's actually good for them, just don't exceed 10% of their diet.